Monday, 9 April 2012

Tirley Twittering: quick update

Tirley Twittering: quick update: A quick evening walk produced another 2 Swallow feeding in the fields near to our house and what appears to be a "new "Chiffchaff singing ne...

quick update

A quick evening walk produced another 2 Swallow feeding in the fields near to our house and what appears to be a "new "Chiffchaff singing near the centre o the village, just shows even in this poor weather migrants are still arriving.
Welcome to the first and maybe the last posting on here, brought about really by a number of fellow birders asking where Tirley Sandpits nature reserve is ?  Well the answer is there is no reserve , in fact theres not much of anything really,! Over the last 10 years I have walked the surrounding farmland on an almost daily basis noting and reporting the sighting on Mike Kings gloster birder sight. The area benefits from the Malverns to the north and the River Severn to the east, Ashleworth Ham and Coombe Hill nature reserves in close proximity .
So with my trusty companion Willow , I will try to keep you informed what birds pass through and the general ornithological feel of what is going on .
So heres goes ,
9th April, The weather was more like October really , quite a contrast  really after all the hot weather of recent days , anyway having trudged the hedgerows in the drizzle and heavy wind, I managed to find a fine male Wheatear on a fence post followed almost instantly by a Swallow heading west. 4 singing Skylarks kept going in the rain, 1 Meadow Pipit sprang from the grass. We still only have 2 singing Chiffchaff but maybe we will have more to come. A small group of 8 Common Gull on pasture , Buzzard , and 4 Linnet and a flock of 10 Greenfinch made up the best of the rest.
Lets see what the next few days bring