Saturday, 2 August 2014

Migrants on the move .

The morning dawned with heavy rain showers but still warm So after a quick of coffee and a bowl of Cornflakes Willow and I duly advanced into the rain.
 The first field we entered can be good for migrants along the hedgerows ,it is the highest field on the patch  and as such seems to catch any passing birds ,so with these rain showers about it would seem that this just may happen ,and guess what it did.
Along the hedgerow were up to 5 Spotted Flycatchers feeding in the light rain ,some were really close ,they really are great birds , also there  were 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Lesser Whitethroat feeding on elderberries along with 3 Blackcap  but best of all was a cracking male Redstart which pushes the patch total to 80 so far this year. Having missed the other one from a couple of weeks ago it came as a relief and its the first of the year for the patch as I was unsuccessful in seeing one in the spring (I have seen others but not the patch ).
Eventually moving on through the rain a female Kestrel was in her recently usual place and a couple of Buzzards were mewing .
 The invisible Green Woodpecker called but was  not seen and just 3 Stock Dove were seen the rest were no doubt trying to keep dry somewhere.
Overhead just 1 House Martin today and a trickle of Swallows amounted to 14 plus birds.
At the top end of the patch a Warblers contact call alerted me and after a bit of staring into the trees and hedgerow (Willow must think I am mad ), I eventually found the Autumns first  Willow Warbler feeding in the hedge, now that is a sign that Autumn has began for sure.
As I neared the cottage the churring of a Whitethroat allowed me just catch a glance as it disappeared into a hedgerow.
A party of 3 Raven were on the deck ,a nice change to see them on the ground instead of the usual overflying birds. Its easy to forget just how massive they are . Finally 2 Brown Hares darted away ,Willow was looking the other way at the time no doubt day dreaming about the upcoming breakfast.
So we can see that the great Autumn migration is starting ,the next few weeks will hopefully bring some surprise s and we have still plenty of time to see if we can surpass last years total of 83 species .
 The patch total now stands at 80