Saturday, 5 October 2013

Unfufilled promise.

So in the week when work as usual got in the way of the birding and when in the brief visits to the patch giving me a male Peregrine swooping at a flock of Linnets ,male Sparrowhawk, overhead passage of Meadow Pipits , the final House Martins, Swallows , Raven and calling Tawny Owls I had a right to be allowed to think that the usual  survey of the patch on a Saturday was going to be a busy affair.
Well it was a massive fail on that point , it being one of the quietest walks for some time. The main sighting was a large number of Stock Doves feeding on the recently harvested corn fields with well over 70 plus being seen. A few Autumn migrants were about with the first Autumn Jay heading south and an influx of 5 Mistle thrush and 5 Greater Spotted Woodpecker  been seen . A flock of 27 Linnet passed south and a small passage of 6 Pied Wagtail ,16 Skylark passed over. Only 6 Meadow Pipits were seen today ,after flocks of 60 plus were seen all week.
In the hedges were 2 Bullfinch, male Sparrowhawk, and 4 Chiffchaff.
Lets hope for better tomorrow.