Its a case of wall to wall sunshine at the moment , so there fore no birds that are passing over are liable to stop off. The last week as has been fairly quiet with only a Cuckoo of note .
It is fair to say that overall the spring has been very poor with birds only been seen in small numbers or even not at all. We seem to have lost our breeding Willow Warblers ,Yellow Wagtails and as yet our Spotted Flycatchers have not arrived .As far as House Martins concerned they are only present in very small numbers and Swallows are in low numbers as well. I wonder if this a local thing or have other people seen this ?
This morning was a stunning morning with the patch looking resplendent with Hawthorn in full flower and the fields covered in Buttercups .
In the hedges were 6 Blackcap ,along with 7 Whitethroat, 5 Chiffchaff and 1 Lesser Whitethroat.
The pastureland held 8 plus Skylark which were in fine voice , 3 Red Legged Partridge and a pair of Linnet which look as if they are breeding .
A Green Woodpecker and a Greater Spotted Woodpecker both called but were unseen.
Overhead 10 Swallow and just 3 House Martin were seen and 2 Buzzards soared overhead.
Just as I got home a fine pair of Bullfinch flew in front of me ,male and female were seen and I heard another when passing a hedgerow so 3 were in the vicinity .
All in all very quiet but who knows what may turn up .