Saturday, 12 January 2013

Well today dawned after overnight rain in a very cold manner with a raw easterly wind The Lesser Redpoll was still on the feeders amongst a whole throng of the usual suspects . The weather had an  effect on the local birds with some making themselves scarce and others reappearing .
There was still a good numbers of Gulls on the now disappearing floodwaters, with 200 plus Black Headed Gulls and a few Lesser Black Backed , Common and Herring Gulls for good measure.
A small flock of 3 Pied Wagtails were feeding nearby and 2 Buzzards were calling to each other. A good count of 8 Stock Dove were about.
It is nice to report that winter Thrush"s were back with 27 plus Fieldfare and 100 plus Redwing .
A flock of 115 plus Lapwing flew over low heading south west .
The patch count remain the same.