Friday, 25 January 2013

A couple of days worth of updates.Yesterday was really cold with a searing east wind, pressure from work and general stuff meant that I only managed a quick trot around the top part of the patch, but even so I managed to see a few nice birds .There were a larger number of Lapwings about with 74 on pasture  with 30 plus Fieldfare, also 600 plus Starling .
Anyway back to today still very cold but  there  is a thaw on the way, still under time pressure so again a quick visit around the top of the patch a cracking flock of 45 plus Skylark and about 100 plus Common Gulls  were feeding on the frozen pasture. The Lapwing flock has decreased to 15 and winter thrushes consisted of 5 Redwing and 15 Fieldfare. Just 2 Meadow Pipits today .The usual Kestrel was on station and a Buzzard passed by. I was pleased to hear a Tawny Owl calling at 5am this morning when I was working ,it sounded as if it was on the roof of the house !
A year tick for the patch was a pair of Mute Swan which pushs the patch total to 53