Any thoughts of spring have fanished as winter is back with a biting cold wind, the benefit is that it has dried alot of the standing water away and for the first time in months it is dry under foot, even the river meadows have drained.
The bird life is stuck in the winter doldrums although today I managed to find one year tick for the patch in the form of a flyover Grey Heron which was being mobbed by the local corvids.
On the feeders there were 5 Lesser Redpoll and a Coal Tit and a flock of 25 Chaffinch .On the patch there was a flock 500 plus Lapwing which was a fine sight, with small numbers of Fieldfare (10), Redwing (10), and 100 plus Starling.
There appears to be an influx of Stock Dove with 13 been seen today, and the first Linnets were seen for quite awhile with a small flock of 4 heading north.
A Raven was feeding with good numbers of Jackdaws and Rooks on the recently spread fields (now all the fields are covered in cow shite.
The usual Raptors were present with the wintering Kestrel still in situ and there were 3 Buzzards dotted about.
A Greater Spotted Woodpecker put in a brief appearence.
The patch list now stands at 58