Sunday dawned cooler with a humid feeling and today Autumn migration started with 110 plus Swift moving east . Due to holiday preperations the morning walk was short so I decided to cover the patch later on after the heat. It was quiet but it is good to report a good number of juvenile birds around .
The hedges were quiet with 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Whitethroat,2 Blackcap, and the first small numbers of Linnet with 6 been seen.
Overhead were 19 plus Swallow 8 plus House Martin and 1 Swift which went south, also were 7 plus Stock Dove .
Raptors seen were a male Kestrel, a female Sparrowhawk seen carrying prey and 2 Buzzard.
The best of the rest were 6 Skylark ,Red Legged Partridge and 2 juvenile Green Woodpecker.