The stalemate with the weather persists with a cold northeast wind and snow blowing in the wind , hard to believe after last year at this time. I went out not expecting to see any summer migrants and I was not suprised when I did not see any ,although there were some early spring migants around. The Kestrel was in it"s usual place having been missing over the last day or so.
The first flock of Fieldfares were seen, the first for a while, with a good 200 plus in the nearby trees, but no Redwings today. The newly manured fields have attracted good numbers of corvids with 110 plus Jackdaws notable. The hightlite of today was a superb male Peregrine Falcon which headed north east , the 2nd sighting of the year.
A Raven soared overhead ,and a Green Woodpecker was heard. A good sighting was had when a flock of 14 Golden Plover headed north east , these will be the last until the Autumn.
The best of the rest were Buzzard, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Stock Dove, 2 Skylark .This year spring is very late and I for one am bored now with winter. Bring on the sunshine