The first of March saw me only able to get out for a short while and only cover a small part of the patch, however a massive flock of 3500 plus Starling heading to roost was a great sight. Also tagging along were 15 each of Fieldfare and Redwing.
The 2nd of March felt like the first day of spring with 3 singing Skylark and another passing over.63 plus Fieldfare along with 156 plus Redwing were feeding in the horse paddocks and nearby were 750 plus Starling feeding on pasture.Stock Doves still numbered 10 and the invasion of Magpies continues with 13 been seen.
There was a small mixed flock of Finches in one of the hedgerows with at least 12 Goldfinch and 2 Lesser Redpoll with Greenfinch and Chaffinch. There was also the usual Kestrel.
A Lesser Redpoll was also on the feeders this morning .