The promised snow and cold weather arrived yesterday but the only cold weather refugees were a flock of 120 plus Lapwing heading down river.Anyhow Willow and I and ventured into the snow this afternoon (only 1 inch) , and there were just a few notable sightings . A flock of 9 Lapwing on pasture with 15 Fieldfare. 2 Buzzard called to each other and there was a single Meadow Pipit .The best sighting was a flock of 23 plus Skylark flying low over the snow fields.
The feeders were busy with 2 Lesser Redpoll ,although one bird was much more buff /frosty coloured with 2 wing bars and what looked like a thinner beak, could it be a Mealy Redpoll ? I do not claim to know enough about the populations of Redpoll, so I will ask some advice ,I will keep you posted.