Out again this morning and it was a lot colder and it has to be said a lot quieter . The most obvious thing was the large numbers of House Martins moving through , I estimated at least 180 plus feeding over the field with the magic hedgerow and there were still a few at the local colony ,with them were around 70 plus Swallow ,but they were moving through in groups of 10 to 15 birds and not stopping , all heading in a south westerly direction . Its pleasing to report a high number of juveniles of both species in the flocks so it looks as if it has been a good breeding season this year. Try as I might I could not find a single Sand Martin in the throng.
As for the hedges themselves it was a lot quieter today and it was hard work in finding the birds this morning ,however I still managed to find 6 plus chiffchaff , 2 Willow Warbler (both very helpfully singing ), a Whitethroat, and a brief female Redstart and at the end of the walk 1 Blackcap.
For my Bullfinch fan they will be glad to know that I managed to find 2 birds this morning in the old apple trees.
2 plus Ravens gronked their way around the area . 6 Stock Doves showed themselves today where were they yesterday ?
Another sign that Autumn is now well on its way was the discovery of the first Jay. They will pass through for a few weeks then disappear until the spring again.
The best of the rest were a Green Woodpecker ,Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Buzzard .
Tommorrows another day and with a cold front due to arrive tonight who knows what will appear ? .