First of all sorry for the lack of updates . I have been away with work and time is in very short supply.
Autumn migration has started on the patch with a neighbour seeing a bird that I have not seen on the patch this year with a report of a male Redstart in his garden, if I had seen it that would be the magic number 80 but it was not to be . There is still time yet though.
Having got back from Holland on Wednesday I managed a fleeting glimpse of a Spotted Flycatcher away from the nesting area. The neighbours report the birds have departed so was this one a passage migrant ?, a local bird ?, or another part of another pair I have missed ? , it was seen in the more usual place that they have been seen over the last few years . The only other highlight was a flock of 17 plus House Martins over a local farm before the rain set in on Saturday morning.
Sunday I took a trip to Coombe Hill meadows for some easy birding and it was nice to bump into Mike King who said the Great White Egret was not around. My sighting are on Mikes gloster birding website .
So it was on Sunday evening I took a truncated trip around the patch and as expected it was very quiet.
It was good to see the pair of Yellow Wagtails still about. They have proved elusive this year. singles of Whitethroat, Blackcap and 2 Chiffchaff were in the hedges. A pair of Skylarks were seen both seen carrying food ,so maybe a nest was nearby.
Just 2 Swallow and 4 House Martins graced the skies.
Normal service is now resumed ,so lets see what we can find over the next week or so .