The first proper Spring morning, clear sky and a light south wind , just a pleasure to be out. I was out at 7.30 am and the first thing that greeted me was a singing Blackcap , in the end we ended up with 4 . 2 Drumming Greater Spotted Woodpeckers were nice to hear and the female Kestrel was on a post. There had been an overnight arrival of Common Whitethroats with 5 been found . A Curlew was heard calling from the river meadows .
There were at least 7 Skylark about and a Meadow Pipit headed north.As far as other Warblers there were 2 singing Willow Warblers and 3 singing Chiffchaff. The best bird of the day was a male Yellow Wagtail which was near last years breeding area.A small suprise was a Fieldfare which flew over , a bit late now he /she should be on his way north by now.
The best of the rest were a flyover Mute Swan, 6 Red Legged Partridge , 2 Stock Dove and around 8 Linnet.3 Buzzard
The patch list is now 69