Sunday, 11 August 2013

A new day and a slightly altered cast of birds as the slow progression into Autumn continues. Overhead 20 plus House Martins and 9 Swallows were feeding and buzzing around the local nest sites.
In the hedges evidence of a bit of migration with 3 Chiffchaff, 4 Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 very brightly coloured Willow Warbler and a good count of 6 Spotted Flycatcher , the usual 5 family members in their usual haunts and another individual feeding from another hedgerow. A male Sparrowhawk  made a run over the hedges .
 A Cormorant flew upriver and 3 Buzzards including the vocal juvenile were soaring about. The first adult Pied Wagtail for some while paused briefly on overhead wires.
 The best of the rest were 7 Stock Dove, Green Woodpecker, Greater Spotted Woodpecker,2 Skylark.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Saturday morning

I was out by 7.30 am this morning to see what was passing through the patch as the slow march into Autumn continues.
The first bird heard was a Bullfinch calling , then a Greater Spotted  Woodpecker flew over so all in all good early signs.
Overhead there were 40 plus House Martin ,it was good to see adults feeding juveniles on the wing , only 8 Swallows though which was disappointing. The first Yellow Wagtail for awhile flew over calling as it headed south , this was soon followed by a Yellowhammer heading in the same direction, the second bird used to be a resident here but I have not seen any for quite awhile now, local farmers please take note.
A Grey Heron passed down the river valley ,there seems to be a few around at the moment .In the hedges were 3 Whitethroat ,female Blackcap, 1 Willow Warbler , 2 Chiffchaff and a good count of 5 Spotted Flycatcher , the latter are still the local family and it is good to see that they have had a successful breeding season, especially as I seemed to have had a lot of fruitless hours looking for them this Summer.
The local Buzzards have produced 1 youngster and he is calling all the time in a vain attempt to get fed.
Around the fields were 9 Stock Dove, 2 Skylark, Green Woodpecker, Red Legged Partridge , female Kestrel, 5 plus Linnet over and the first juvenile Pied Wagtail in ages .
 I t is nice to report that the blog is now on the Tirley village website, so a big welcome to our local readers and remember if you see anything and want to report or are not sure of what it is ,just ask in the comments section. Also try to not be too tidy in the gardens and fields, leave a little room for our feathered friends.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Sunday 4th August

The Autumnal feel was more evident with a coolish breeze and rain setting in , the birds are beginning to look as if the summer is at and end and that they are preparing to start their long southwards trek.
 The first good count of House Martins were about today with 62 plus ,but just 5 Swallow s.
In the hedges were 4 Spotted Flycatcher , 3 Whitethroat, 4 Chiffchaff and 2 Linnet. A Raven passed west and there were 3 Buzzards about .
Another Cormarant passed upriver and 5 Stock Dove fed on the ripening Maize.
 The best of the rest were 3 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker.

Saturday 3rd August

A mid morning visit to the patch was never turn up anything startling , but with the faintest hint of Autumn in the air who knows !
Overhead 15 plus House Martin and 7 Swallow were around  , but they soon wished they were"nt when a fantastic Hobby powered in from the west .
 In the hedges there were just 3 Chiffchaff 7 Linnet and 2 Whitethroat. Around the fields were 3 Buzzard , female Kestrel the first flock of post breeding Woodpigeon and 2 Stock Dove .
A Cormarant flew upriver.