Sunday, 6 January 2013

Sunday dawned overcast and misty , but still very mild, although the tempretures are to drop from the middle of the week onwards. Willow and myself were not expecting much and in the end we were pretty suprise by what we saw, it still feels as if spring passage has started with drumming Greater Spotted Woodpecker and plenty of bird song now, especially Song Thrush .
Starlings were still plentiful with 600 plus seen as were Fieldfare 150 plus and Redwing 145 plus. A rather lonely Common Gull stood by the floodwater and 2 Pied Wagtail and 3 Skylark made themselves known.Just 2 Meadow Pipits today so the rest seem to have moved on.
A Green Woodpecker was new for the year and the local Kestrel flew over chased by some Jackdaws . A female Bullfinch called from the hedgerows and a Buzzard sat overlooking a field .
The best birds were the last ones seen when a flock of 12 Golden Plover made 3 circuits over before heading towards the river meadows .Really great to see these northern travellers as they will spending their summer on the northern tundra in the far north.
Species count for the patch now stands at 46.

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