Saturday, 15 March 2014

Fieldfares on the march !

Here we are again and another weekend is here, so a quick update on the mid weeks high lights , well on that score not much to report although early spring passage is more and more evident. Wednesday I was out in the early afternoon , and it was evident that Pied Wagtails were passing through with a flock of 25 feeding on a manured field, also with them were 5 Meadow Pipits.
2  Raven gronked there way over heading north and a Green Woodpecker was calling somewhere in the distance.
A large flock of 160 plus Fieldfare passed over ,also 20 plus Redwing and a solitary Mistle Thrush was noted.
A Buzzard and 6 Stock Dove made onto the day list.
So Saturday dawned a warm perfect spring morning, today must be the day when we would record our first Summer migrant surely , but it was not to be ,that been said birds were on the move .
Meadow Pipits numbered 17 plus ,with them scattered about in ones and twos ,the largest flock was of 8 . Skylarks were to the fore today with 16 plus on the patch with a good few in song. On the down side only 5 plus Pied Wagtails today ,I cannot find any White Wagtails in amongst them as yet.
On the Woodpecker front we recorded a calling Green and a drumming Greater Spotted this morning.
It seemed perverse on such a perfect spring morning that winter Thrush"s dominated the scene with a massive 550 plus Fieldfare passing over ,some flocks heading north,  others to the east ,next stop Scandanavia .Redwing numbered just 8 plus today ,and a couple of Mistle Thrush passed over with one heading north at great height.
For the raptor fans 3 Buzzards were up once it got warm enough and another Sparrow hawk passed north ,was it another migrant ? The romantic in me would like to think so.
I was pleased to see a pair of Yellowhammer on the north edge of the patch ,the male giving its song atop a gatepost.

The best of the rest were 9 Stock Dove and 5 Red legged Partridge. Lets see if we can find our first summer migrant tomorrow .

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