Thursday, 10 April 2014

Boooooooooooom !

I have a right to be pumped this afternoon , I went out at around 3.45pm for a quick jaunt up the road, I scanned fields for Wheatears without any luck , a couple of Swallows were seen ,one seems to be a local bird perching on wires near a breeding sight ,but in truth not a lot else ,Chiffchaffs  and Blackcaps were singing but that was about it, I made a quick scan up and down the river valley as I usually do and boooom there was an OSPREY  drifting upriver one hell of a way to bring the 64 th species of the year to the patch ,it is also a patch tick .You just never know what will turn up here .


  1. You jammy git! Seriously, well done old chap. That's a hell of a patch tick!

    1. Hey mate, how the devil are you ? loving your blog at mo , read it all the time, it was a great bird to see on the patch , but overall still a bit slow, winter this year a bit quiet, no Brambling, Coal Tit in the garden so have a few missing, its gonna be hard to beat the 85 species I saw last year
