The weekend dawned clear, bright ,with some sunshine on offer. So I was ready to clock up the 70th species for the patch as it appeared the conditions would be perfect for doing just that , but as you can see it was not to be. That being said however it was still a productive walk.
First bird heard was a singing Willow Warbler near the cottage, they are moving through at the moment ,although they do breed very close by at Ashleworth . Their close relative the Chiffchaff seemed to have arrived in numbers with 8 been seen or heard ,however Blackcap only numbered 2 , some having moved on .
In the hedges Whitethroats were up in number with 4 singing from a number of locations , but no sign of any Lesser Whitethroats as yet .
From the river meadows came the call of a Curlew , I hope they succeed in breeding this year .
On the pasture there were at least 8 Skylark in fine voice and a good count of 6 of Red Legged Partridge around .
The ever present Green Woodpecker called and 2 Stock Dove put in a appearance . A distant drumming Greater Spotted Woodpecker was also heard .
It is pleasing to report that a pair of Mistle Thrush appear to have bred on the patch , I saw birds carrying food to the nest , a good sign.
On the raptor front 2 Buzzards were overhead and a female Kestrel was given a good shoeing by the local crows as she made her way over the patch .
There were a few Swallows noted with small flock noted in the top fields ,some birds resting on a wire fence, perhaps taking a quick rest during their journey north, numbers are still low with only 6 seen today.
What a difference a day makes as Sunday has dawned cold ,grey with a biting wind. I have a feeling that it will have put the brakes on migration . I went on the usual circuit not very optimistic and it was confirmed as it was a very quiet walk.
There was a trickle of northward bound Swallows with 12 zipping past .
In the hedges were 5 Blackcap and 9 Chiffchaff this morning , but just 2 Whitethroat were seen , one giving a good view of its display flight this morning.
The male Yellowhammer is still singing which is a good sign , so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
On the pastures were just 2 Skylarks and a single Red Legged Partridge , perhaps it was just too cold for singing today.
For my Bullfinch fan ,success ! when I found 2 stonking males and 1 female near one of their usual feeding places , so they are around .
The best of the rest of a rather short list were a Greater Spotted Woodpecker and 3 Stock Dove.
In the garden the pair of Blue Tits are in residence in the nest box and the Robins have set up home in the adjoining hedgerow of the our nearest neighbours .
I have already seen a juvenile Blackbird in the garden which seems very early
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