Sunday, 31 August 2014

Creepy !

An early alarm call from Willow meant we were out on the patch by 6.45am.Clear blue skies with a slight north wind made me think that maybe birds would of moved on and in the event it seemed quieter but in the end , it was obvious some birds had moved on and had been replaced by another wave of migrants.
 The magic hedge was still producing birds but migrants were more evenly spread around the patch. The magic one did however produce the 82 end species for the patch for the year and it was an unexpected one at that, it came in the form of a Treecreeper , a rare bird on the patch so really good to see .
We appeared to have had a small fall of Chiffchaff with 11 plus seen today and more heard in the surrounding hedges , along with them came 2 Willow Warblers but there were more no doubt lurking in the bushes.
Other migrants seen on the patch were 2 plus Redstart  (its been really good Autumn for these birds, after a very slow spring ), 4 Blackcap, Whitethroat , and again a good count of 4 Lesser Whitethroat , this species has been passing through in good numbers this Autumn . I still managed to find 4 plus Spotted Flycatchers in two different localities , no doubt some being the local breeding birds and others passing migrants.
Overhead there were many more less passing migrants with just 28 plus Swallows trickling south wards and 45 plus House Martins , most were over Town Street Farm and gave the impression of being local breeding birds , gone were the Swallows from yesterday ,but it shows the passage of migrants heading southwards .
The best bird overhead was a passing Yellow Wagtail which called as it passed south east .A flock of 25 Goldfinch passed over heading towards a large thistle bank near the Church.
Walking across the pastures produced a single Skylark and a single Stock Dove.
On the raptor front the usual 3 species which appear to be in residence  at the moment showed with 3 Buzzard, male Kestrel and a Sparrow Hawk .
 A Green woodpecker and 2 Greater Spotted Woodpecker made themselves known.
 So the species tally for the patch advances to 82 for the year and so far the Autumn has been good , I get the feeling we may be due for something really good to turn up ,if we can just get a nice easterly breeze ,well heres hoping

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Migants on the move.

No that is not a reference to people hopping on trucks in Calais but to the avian visitors that are moving through the patch right now. The last week has been a good one and work has got in the way, however I have managed fleeting visits to the patch and the Magic Hedgerow has been in form with multiple sightings of Redstart (up to 5), Spotted Flycatchers(up to 5),  Multiple Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps etc. Swallows and House Martins have also passed over in fair numbers for here abouts and we had a party of 4 Raven over as well.
So Saturday dawned and Willow and I were out and up at em as they say, having seen a Sparrow Hawk on the hedge next to the bedroom with a Blackbird kill I was fairly confident that it was going to be a good morning. In the end it was perhaps a little disappointing perhaps but maybe I have just been spoilt this week.
Walking along the hedges the birds were moved spaced out over the whole patch today but I managed to find 7 plus Chiffchaff, a good total of 5 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Redstart, and 3 Spotted Flycatchers.
The usual Woodpeckers were about with 1 Green and at least 2 Greater Spotted Woodpeckers seen.
Overhead at least 120 plus Swallows passed over or were feeding over the patch ,they were kept company with just 15 plus House Martin today .The major surprise was the number of Goldfinches with at least 125 plus this morning ,including a large flock of at least 80 plus , these birds will pass through in good numbers for the next few weeks if we are lucky. A nice surprise was the sound of at least 130 plus feral Greylag Geese as passed over ,plastic I know but still nice to see.
Raptors got in the act with a male Kestrel ,2 Buzzard and another Sparrow Hawk this one getting mobbed by a large number of Swallows.
On the field margins there were 7 Stock Dove,  and in one hedge a nice sight of a flock of 30 plus Long Tailed Tits . Another bonus was the sight of a flock of 30 plus House Sparrows feeding on stubble, a much rarer sight than it should be nowadays. The walk was brought down a bit with the unpleasant sighting of 2 gun toting guys who were about to start shooting crows etc very very sad .
Any way lets see what tomorrow brings.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Migration marches on

Out again early this morning, with the promised cold snap here I was wondering what might be about.
The first bird I heard was a singing Willow Warbler so it was obvious that birds were on the move .In the end I managed to find just 2 Willow Warblers but did find 9 plus Chiffchaff . Other warblers present were a Lesser Whitethroat , 7 plus Whitethroat, 3 Blackcap . As you can see certain species are getting harder to find and others are showing daily increases and decreases .
Overhead Swallows and House Martins passed over many heading south west with 100 plus of each been seen in the 3 hours I was on the patch .
2 flocks of Greylags heads towards Tirley fishing pits from the river meadows with 33 birds been seen .
Other Autumnal signs were a small flock of 3 Mistle Thrush and a small flock of 7 Skylark ,the first of many I hope this Autumn/Winter. A Pied Wagtail passed over to the south west  ,was this a migrant or one of the resident birds ?
A pair of Ravens gronked over the patch again today , they really are almost resident now , great birds to see .
Raptors were 2 Buzzard and a male Kestrel .
At least 2 Bullfinch called from the hedges again ,so the Bullfinch fan can be happy they are still around.
The rest of list for today was made up of a fly over Green Woodpecker and 2 Greater Spotted Wood pecker and a superb Brown Hare.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Martins on the move

Out again this morning and it was a lot colder and it has to be said a lot quieter . The most obvious thing was the large numbers of House Martins moving through , I estimated at least 180 plus feeding over the field with the magic hedgerow and there were still a few at the local colony ,with them were around 70 plus Swallow ,but they were moving through in groups of 10 to 15 birds and not stopping , all heading in a south westerly direction . Its pleasing to report a high number of juveniles of both species in the flocks so it looks as if it has been a good breeding season this year. Try as I might I could not find a single Sand Martin in the throng.
As for the  hedges themselves it was a lot quieter today and it was hard work in finding the birds this morning ,however I still managed to find 6 plus chiffchaff , 2 Willow Warbler (both very helpfully singing ), a Whitethroat, and a brief female Redstart and at the end of the walk 1 Blackcap.
For my Bullfinch fan they will be glad to know that I managed to find 2 birds this morning in the old apple trees.
2 plus Ravens gronked their way around the area . 6 Stock Doves showed themselves today where were they yesterday ?
Another sign that Autumn is now well on its way was the discovery of the  first Jay. They will pass through for a few weeks then disappear until the spring again.
The best of the rest were a Green Woodpecker ,Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Buzzard .
Tommorrows another day and with a cold front due to arrive tonight who knows what will appear ?  .

Friday, 22 August 2014

Still smokin

My little patch of no where continues to bring in the birds and with a day off work Willow and I were out on the patch at 7am this morning. It felt quite Autumnal this morning with a chill in the air and a gusty wind coming in from the north .
 On my way back from Portland Bill yesterday afternoon I noticed good numbers of Swallows feeding in the meadows near Wainlodes  with in excess of 100 plus so it came as no surprise as I reached the top of Magic Hedgerow field that there were a good number of House Martins 70 plus and Swallows 50 plus  feeding and passing over south west , I managed to find a single Sand Martin also ,I have no doubt that there may have been others but the birds were very active and very hard to get a good bead on them .
Overall it seemed as if there were a good number of migrants on the ground this morning with many of the birds been seen away from the usual hot spots .A  great count of at least 17 plus Chiffchaff was made and those were the ones I just saw ,how many more went undetected ? . I could only find 3 Willow Warbler but I have the feeling that I missed many more but apart from that slight disappointment the hedges were offering up some good birds .
I managed to find 3 Lesser Whitethroats , 1Whitethroat, 6 plus Blackcap , 2 Spotted Flycatcher ( after a slow start it has been quite a good year for this species), and best of all I managed to hear a soft bubberling of a migrant Sedge Warbler , it being only the second patch record for this species. This is a year tick for the patch and takes us to 81 species so far this year.
Woodpeckers got in the act with a Green Woodpecker and 2 plus Greater Spotted.
On the raptor front 3 Buzzards, a  female Sparrow hawk and 2 Kestrel put in an appearance .I tried my best to turn one of the Kestrels into a Hobby but it was a Kestrel .I am running out of time to see a Hobby on the patch this year, if I do not see one it will be the first time in a number of years that I have not seen one here.
There were 2 Raven feeding on the harvested Maize fields along with the other corvids ,you really see how large they are when you see up against Crows etc.
The first flock of Starling appeared today with 120 plus ,and a single Skylark lept up from grassland .I only managed 2 Stock Dove today .
 A fellow birder Steve French has remarked how many Goldfinches are around at the moment and it would appear that it has been a good breeding season locally ,you should check out Steves  blog Hartpury Orchard centre blog ,he like myself is a slave to patch birding its nice to know there are other lunatics out there and not just me.
The patch list goes to 81 for the year

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Early Start

Willow and I were out by 6am today, it was grey ,blustery and quite Autumn like. As we left the cottage a Tawny Owl called one last time before retiring for the day.
We entered the field with the magic hedgerow and after a quite start the birds starting to show themselves. There were not quite as many but with the colder and blustery conditions they were keeping their heads down.
The bushes provide plenty of berries and insects along this uncut hedge. I managed to find 8 plus Chiffchaff, 3 plus Willow Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, a female Blackcap  and a Spotted Flycatcher.
Overhead the start of the House Martin and Swallow migration was obvious with a count of 85 plus heading south west and a further 20 plus still active around the local colony. Swallows passed in the same direction with 46 plus heading   most passing straight over ,just 1 or 2 seemingly being local birds.
 The first 5 Common Gulls of the Autumn flew south and A Pied Wagtail passed over .
As I walked over the pastures the first Skylark was heard passing overhead the first for a number of days. Also seen were 3 Brown Hares ,Willow was not that bothered knowing it would be futile to chase them as they were far too quick for her.
A lot more Stock Doves were around today with 7 seen today. As we neared home we managed to see a cracking male Redstart away from the usual location and a Bullfinch was heard pewing away in the hedgerow.
On the raptor front a female Kestrel ,a male Sparrow hawk and 3 Buzzards were present.
The best of the rest were a Green Woodpecker, Greater Spotted Woodpecker ,a flock of 40 plus feral Greylag Geese over . It was also noticeable that there were more Goldfinch present today with 20 plus ,a sure sign that Autumn is well and truly on its way .   

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Its all yellow

After a week away with work I was keen to get back onto the patch to see what has happened since last week .The weather was fine still warm with a gusty wind .
The first bird I heard was a Greater Spotted Woodpecker and in the end 2 were seen or heard ,also about were a Green Woodpecker.
 Along the magic hedgerow today were a fair variety of birds but not quite the number I saw last week .Most of the following birds were seen in the afore mentioned apart the odd bird. Totals were as follows 8 Chiffchaff, 5 Blackcap, 5 Whitethroat, at least 3 Redstart ( I think maybe four but not quite sure ), and just 2 Willow Warbler today.
As I left the hedge I was really pleased to first hear then see 2 adult and 1 juvenile Yellow Wagtails passing over in a small flock ,were they the local breeders or were they passing migrants?   , I hope they were the former but if they were they have been very elusive this year.
Overhead the conditions must have been perfect for the local Buzzards as up to 8 were seen over the patch today ,also a male Sparrow hawk put in an appearance. There was no sign of the Kestrel today.
2 Raven passed south low the patch both strangely silent today.
I only managed 1 Stock Dove today , much lower than the normal count we are used too.
It seems to have been a good year for the local House Martins as they appeared very active around the local colonies today with at 25 plus around today . Swallows kept them company with at 22 plus ,they seem to have been local birds as none were passing over straight south or south west.
So a bit quieter than last week but still a fair return ,lets hope for the migration engine to really start cranking up over the next few weeks , we still have to find another 4 species if we are to beat last years total of 83 .

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Hot spot

The patch has been running hot at the moment with Autumn migration really going along at a nice pace. The magic hedgerow has attracted Redstart , multiple Spotted Flycatchers, Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers . There has been the first trickle of Swallow and Martins passing south and south west as well. The Thursday morning as I was getting up for work a Little Owl was calling ,a small compensation for getting up at 4.15am  !
So as Saturday dawned clear and sunny I was sort of optimistic that it could be a good walk. Stumbling bleary eyed out of the front door with Willow doing her pre walk two legged dance in front of me my spider senses were alerted by a Willow Warbler singing from the hedgerow just behind the cottage .It was game on then .
Into the first field and towards the magic hedgerow , yep lots of movement and darting little birds feeding on the Elderberries and insects . As I walked along the hedge line it was Chiffchaffs that were most evident and in the end I found at least 14 plus As I sorted through them I managed to see 5 Willow Warblers with 2 very helpfully singing .
Also darting about were 3 Lesser Whitethroat , 2 Whitethroat, 2 male and 1 female Redstart  now this was getting really good , after finding 4 Spotted Flycatchers I was thinking could it get any better when my attention was drawn to a bird sitting on a fence post at the edge of a fodder beet field, a quick glance and I was greeted by a superb Whinchat flycatching .Cracking birds and a real treat to see them on the patch .
 The sounds of House Martins made me glance skywards and a flock of 40 plus House Martins passed over heading down the river valley south . Swallows seem to have been local birds with 7 plus been seen .
Moving on away from the hedges a Mistle Thrush passed over ,as did the  usually invisible Green Woodpecker  .A Greater Spotted Woody called and flew straight over my head.
As I turned for home the soft call of a Bullfinch alerted to its presence ,but I did not catch a glimpse of it.
The sun was now fairly high up raptors started to appear , first a hunting female Kestrel ,then a male Sparrow hawk and then Buzzards ,first the usual mewing juvenile but then joined by 5 adults who together with a Sparrow hawk were soaring over the cottage together, an awesome sight.
The Raven is still hanging around and there were 4 Stock doves in the usual places.  
It was also nice to find a small flock of 15 plus House Sparrows feeding on thee edge of a maize field .
So the autumn is beginning to hot up and even in my little patch of no where you can see migration happening, so I suppose it does not matter where you are really if you keep your eyes peeled on your on area you will be surprised what you see .Patch birding is hard but worth the rewards when they appear  The Autumn has stared well so lets hope its just the start of a cracker.   

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Magic Hedgerow

After breaking Willow s heart early this morning  when I opted for delights of Cleeve Hill and the  birds that inhabit our only upland area I eventually made onto the patch mid morning .
As mentioned yesterday the hedge that usually produces the most migrants again dished out the goods .If I had been there earlier what might I have turned up ?
Todays goodies were 2 Spotted Flycatchers ,with one very showy bird , Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Whitethroat,  a male Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, and the Autumns second Willow Warbler .
Overhead 13 plus House Martin and 20 plus Swallows were about ,including one flock of 15 that passed straight over due south . The Autumns first 5 Black Headed Gulls passed south downriver.
Yet another Raven was seen today along with the constant mewing of a young Buzzard. The female Kestrel was still surveying her field that she has adopted as her own  .
 Once again the super natural Green Woodpecker called from somewhere.
 So a truncated walk today but it feels as if the patch is sort of purple right now with nice birds passing through .

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Migrants on the move .

The morning dawned with heavy rain showers but still warm So after a quick of coffee and a bowl of Cornflakes Willow and I duly advanced into the rain.
 The first field we entered can be good for migrants along the hedgerows ,it is the highest field on the patch  and as such seems to catch any passing birds ,so with these rain showers about it would seem that this just may happen ,and guess what it did.
Along the hedgerow were up to 5 Spotted Flycatchers feeding in the light rain ,some were really close ,they really are great birds , also there  were 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Lesser Whitethroat feeding on elderberries along with 3 Blackcap  but best of all was a cracking male Redstart which pushes the patch total to 80 so far this year. Having missed the other one from a couple of weeks ago it came as a relief and its the first of the year for the patch as I was unsuccessful in seeing one in the spring (I have seen others but not the patch ).
Eventually moving on through the rain a female Kestrel was in her recently usual place and a couple of Buzzards were mewing .
 The invisible Green Woodpecker called but was  not seen and just 3 Stock Dove were seen the rest were no doubt trying to keep dry somewhere.
Overhead just 1 House Martin today and a trickle of Swallows amounted to 14 plus birds.
At the top end of the patch a Warblers contact call alerted me and after a bit of staring into the trees and hedgerow (Willow must think I am mad ), I eventually found the Autumns first  Willow Warbler feeding in the hedge, now that is a sign that Autumn has began for sure.
As I neared the cottage the churring of a Whitethroat allowed me just catch a glance as it disappeared into a hedgerow.
A party of 3 Raven were on the deck ,a nice change to see them on the ground instead of the usual overflying birds. Its easy to forget just how massive they are . Finally 2 Brown Hares darted away ,Willow was looking the other way at the time no doubt day dreaming about the upcoming breakfast.
So we can see that the great Autumn migration is starting ,the next few weeks will hopefully bring some surprise s and we have still plenty of time to see if we can surpass last years total of 83 species .
 The patch total now stands at 80