No that is not a reference to people hopping on trucks in Calais but to the avian visitors that are moving through the patch right now. The last week has been a good one and work has got in the way, however I have managed fleeting visits to the patch and the Magic Hedgerow has been in form with multiple sightings of Redstart (up to 5), Spotted Flycatchers(up to 5), Multiple Lesser Whitethroats, Whitethroats, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps etc. Swallows and House Martins have also passed over in fair numbers for here abouts and we had a party of 4 Raven over as well.
So Saturday dawned and Willow and I were out and up at em as they say, having seen a Sparrow Hawk on the hedge next to the bedroom with a Blackbird kill I was fairly confident that it was going to be a good morning. In the end it was perhaps a little disappointing perhaps but maybe I have just been spoilt this week.
Walking along the hedges the birds were moved spaced out over the whole patch today but I managed to find 7 plus Chiffchaff, a good total of 5 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Redstart, and 3 Spotted Flycatchers.
The usual Woodpeckers were about with 1 Green and at least 2 Greater Spotted Woodpeckers seen.
Overhead at least 120 plus Swallows passed over or were feeding over the patch ,they were kept company with just 15 plus House Martin today .The major surprise was the number of Goldfinches with at least 125 plus this morning ,including a large flock of at least 80 plus , these birds will pass through in good numbers for the next few weeks if we are lucky. A nice surprise was the sound of at least 130 plus feral Greylag Geese as passed over ,plastic I know but still nice to see.
Raptors got in the act with a male Kestrel ,2 Buzzard and another Sparrow Hawk this one getting mobbed by a large number of Swallows.
On the field margins there were 7 Stock Dove, and in one hedge a nice sight of a flock of 30 plus Long Tailed Tits . Another bonus was the sight of a flock of 30 plus House Sparrows feeding on stubble, a much rarer sight than it should be nowadays. The walk was brought down a bit with the unpleasant sighting of 2 gun toting guys who were about to start shooting crows etc very very sad .
Any way lets see what tomorrow brings.
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