Sunday, 2 November 2014

late arrivals .Sunday Morning

Having Read that 22,000Woodpigeons had passed over nearby Painswick Beacon by 8.20am on Saturday morning Willow and I hit the patch at 7am. We were greeted with frequent rain showers but it was not as cold as I had expected .Needless to say we saw no Woodpigeon passage and overall the patch is still in its hiatus as far as exciting birds are concerned .
So the highlights for the proceeding week were a Lesser redpoll which visited the garden on Wednesday and a flock of 100 plus Redwing on the same day .On the same day there were a few Blackbirds liberally scattered about including some rather continental looking ones in the garden .  It was the first Autumn day to actually feel like it should although by the end of the week it was back to being all weird again ,far too mild for the time of year.
So the first bird we were greeted by was a Greater Spotted Woodpecker feeding on the fat balls in the feeders. As we left the cottage I heard the familiar sound of Fieldfare and as the walk proceeded 3 flocks of 6 , 35 and 76 appeared from the north ,its great to have them back and it now feels like Autumn proper .The other winter Thrush the Redwing numbered 84 plus birds appearing out of the murk and heading east towards the river meadows. There were Mistle Thrush passing south and 5 plus were seen passing over due south .There was a fair scattering of Blackbirds with at least 23 plus around, just a single Song Thrush this morning .We live in hope of a Ring Ouzel .
There were more Starlings of late no doubt some of our winterers having just arrived and at least 300 plus were feeding in the old orchards or passing straight over south west.
A flock of 23 plus Chaffinch dropped out of the sky from high from the east and the usual flock of 28 plus Linnet put in an appearance. The other bird that has put on a good show this Autumn,  the Robin numbered 24 plus .
On the pastureland 18 plus Skylark, which look like the wintering flock this year and just 8 Meadow Pipits put in a showing. It still looks as if Pied Wagtails are still on the move with a dozen moving around the patch .
The best of the rest were 2 Bullfinch, 7 Stock Dove and a calling Green Woodpecker .It will get better if the winds move to the East or North .

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